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IDventure Cluebox Cambridge Labyrinth
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In the early 19th century the situation around the scientific developments in the UK was raising strong concerns. “Science is all but dead in England… perhaps deadest of all at our Universities," - English journalists wrote.
And then it changed - provincial Philosophical Societies started blossoming across the United Kingdom. They offered an opportunity for people to meet and listen to talks on the latest discoveries and inventions.
William Whewell, a Cambridge University historian and philosopher, became one of the founders of Cambridge Philosophical Society in 1819. This Society ultimately transformed major English universities into the world-leading centers of scientific research we know today. The term "scientist" had not even existed until William Whewell coined it in 1833.
According to several reliable sources, there was only one condition to become a member of the Philosophical Society – applicants had to pass the entrance challenge by opening the mechanical box “Cambridge Labyrinth” invented by scientist William Whewell.
Now you have an opportunity to face the challenge which used to be the first step for many inventors into the world of science and engineering!